
Obiettivi del Progetto

Objectives of the project


The site on the Industrial Areas was created in order to encourage new manufactoring sites in the Metropolitan Area of Bologna and in the Provinces of Ferrara and Modena. The project aims to facilitate and give immediate access to Italian and foreign investors and entrepreneurs to information about  industrial areas and to promote the knowledge of an area of old industrial tradition and rich in manufacturing and service industries.
Through simple and intuitive search engines or browsing georeferenced maps , the user can access the descriptive pages of the growing industrial areas of the territories, acquiring the relevant information down to the single available lots. Or, the user can refer to the section on existing buildings , that includes ads about industrial buildings , office and commercial properties for sale or lease , and eventually may require the insertion of an announcement.
The Territory section allows user to deepen the knowledge of Bologna, Ferrara and Modena and the opportunities that it offers for the development of new production settlements.

The project of Industrial Areas

Confindustria Emilia Area Centro
We are the expression of the smart industry that is the result of community intelligence connected to a network of brand leaders present in every corner of the planet
With over 3400 member companies, Confindustria Emilia Area Centro is one of the most representative associations of enterprises in Italy . It is member of Confindustria , the Italian federation of manufacturing and service companies. Confindustria Emilia Area Centro represents and supports small, medium and large manufacturing and service companies in the territories of Bologna, Ferrara and Modena, providing them with  the excellence and quality of business services and culture , also designing innovative products to meet the needs of the global market  in a perspective that looks at the future competitive scenarios . For further information please visit the website: www.confindustriaemilia.it .